Download PDF Riot A Scarred Souls Novel Tillie Cole 9781250086280 Books
Download PDF Riot A Scarred Souls Novel Tillie Cole 9781250086280 Books

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Riot A Scarred Souls Novel Tillie Cole 9781250086280 Books Reviews
- The Scarred Souls series is no easy read, dark, raw, gritty and violent. It's awful and horrible to see these men and women used for various reasons. To fight to death or service with their bodies. Truth be told the last two books have been more depraved in a way than the first two. Still the writing and originality of this series maybe much but it held my interest. Tillie Cole is a genius writer that kept me captivated.
152 awakes with little memory they come in flashes that are hard for her to bear. It's hard to know what is real from illusion to her. What with being tortured and all. 901 is the best most prized fighter that showed no weakness. His weakness being discovered 152 and 901 meet not by accident but set up that way. What matters to Blood Pit most is the most raked by the entertainment of the death fights but now that 901 doesn't care for the show the ring leader has upped the ante. It's up to Luka and gang to end this monstrosity of sport. It's a tough battle ahead with even higher stakes involved.
These people were all so interconnected in a way they hadn't realized. The unlikely romance formed between each of them made it more real that they had something to live and fight for. It eventually all comes full circle the memories and stories of each one of them. Their eventual redemption and people getting their just desserts. For 152 and 901 something more and what was lost for them.
A lot of mind games, the drugs and bloodshed and violence, humanity eventually prevails. I can't help but feel the emotional for these guys throughout it all. I'm feel so happy to see them all get the ending they deserve. It was a great way to close out this series. Tillie Cole's brand of dark always seems to work for me, her writing keeps you chained to the story and empathize, it flows so well between each moment. With all it's haunting depravity and gruesome nature it's still terrifically well done series. - 901 and 152; Raw, brutal, beautiful and brilliant. The whole series! This final edition is full of anticipation because you know it’s the end, and everyone is involved, and you know it’s going to get worse before it gets better! How in the world are these people going to get their HEA? With a lot of blood and violence and sacrifice! Ilya and Inessa create their own happy ending the moment they meet without even knowing it. If Master doesn’t give 152 to 901, there is no connection, no threat, no ultimate death match! If there is no ultimate death match, then Luka, Zaal and Valentin have no way in to the Blood Pit. It all started with 901 seeing 152 and knowing…I absolutely LOVE the caveman with a brain and all the “my femaleâ€, “my male†was awesome! This is a story that lays bare the idea that if you have no hope of ever being free, then you are free to sacrifice everything for the moment. Innesa does just that when she turns to Ilya at the one moment she shouldn’t. But it is also the one moment that she needs him most, when she knows it about to all end. God, I love this kind of existential desperation! If you are reading this book, then you have travelled this long, gritty road and understand the all or nothing situation these two are in. Not knowing there is family and life and a future just around the corner. Gah! This will forever be one of my all-time favorite series and recommendations for this sub-genre. Thank you, TC, for an amazing ride!
- I've been dying to read Ineesa's story since we got a glimpse of what happened to her in the last book. I was interested in reading how a woman could go through what she was forced to go through and still survive. To be forced to have sex with men over and over again under the control of a drug forces you to do things you would never normally do. To have no memory of your past because of the drug. How does one survive that? How does one trust again?
Then we have 901 who has the same horrific story as the other men in this series; controlled by drugs that force him to fight for his life, memories erased because of the drug and kept as a prisoner except when it's time to fight. How do you overcome that? How do you control the anger? The urge when it's all you've known, all you can remember?
I love how Ineesa and 901 were brought together but more importantly I loved how 901 treated her. I know that sounds odd but when you read the book you'll understand why I say that. I appreciated that he didn't treat her like all the other guards, even if his reasons initially were selfish. Watching that change though...
Another amazing book by this author!
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